Brittney Jennings: Little Rock Arkansas Senior Session

Taking Brittney’s Senior pictures was absolutely surreal- and also one of those full-circle moments. My parents own a preschool/daycare that I worked at as a teenager, and this is where I met Britt, and her Mom. Britt was my little side-kick. I would also babysit Brittney some on the side and this is where my love for photography kind of started.

To this day, I can still remember toting her around, curling her hair or fixing the very best buns to a variety of locations to photograph her. I still have those pictures- good stufff, good stuff! 😉

You can imagine my excitement when Britt’s Mom contacted me to book her Senior Session! I totally jumped at the opportunity and couldn’t wait to get her back in front of my camera. Her session was so much fun! Her smile radiants happiness and her personality is the absolute cutest, oh, and would you look at her style?!!! Brittney I can’t wait to see what the future hold for you- I know it will be incredible!

B Jennings Senior Photography By Krystina Bullard
B Jennings Senior Photography By Krystina Bullard
B Jennings Senior Photography By Krystina Bullard
B Jennings Senior Photography By Krystina Bullard


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